Night of January 1, 2010
Palm Harbor, FL
Someone knocks on my front door and I open to see Santa Claus! (Played by Richard Attenorough, the guy who portrayed St. Nick in the remake of Miracle of 34th Street and also happened to create Jurassic Park) He is holding a role of wrapping paper but doesn't seem to pleased when I greet him. "Santa!" I joyously shout. He hits me over the head with the wrapping paper. When I ask him why he hit me he unrolls some of the paper. It is pornographic wrapping paper. He accuses em of special ordering this in the mail. He doesn't believe me when I say I didn't buy it. I grab the order form he has and sit down on the stairs. After a while I claim this is a fake order and someone is trying to frame me. I point out it was supposedly ordered on Nov. 31st. Whoever was trying to get me in trouble was an idiot.
Night of January 2nd, 2010
Palm Harbor, FL
I was driving to a pizza place all the way in Pinellas Park to meet up with Melissa. She worked there and I was supposed to set up plans for the Super Bowl with her and some other friends. When I get there I see the others are Brent, Robert and Caitlin. This is the most random group of friends I have ever seen in a dream. The only one I can explain is Caitlin and that's because Facebook suggested I "reconnect" with her today. Anyway they were all donating their extra dining ware to the restaurant while we discussed the party plans. I said I didn't know if I would be working or not and would only assuredly be there if the Patriots got in. No way in hell I am working while the Patriots play for a Super Bowl. Then a game of pool broke out on a dining table. This is stupid because balls were falling all over the place. You kind of need the edges...