Thursday, October 15, 2009

Getting Things Rolling

It all started when I discovered lucid dreaming. Its the phenomenon where you are still asleep yet you are aware that you are dreaming. It's a delicate balance of the states of consciousness and the waves going through your dreams. In this unique state you can control what goes on in your dreams. Very much like Neo in the Matrix there rules you can break and those you can bend. Many people have had an experience like this at some point but to have it on a common occurrence you need to practice. One exercise to aid in your journey is keeping a dream journal. So I did. This was back in high school and I started remembering my drams more often and in higher detail. Besides raising my attention span and other benefits from this exercise it led to a lot of insight and hilarity. Some of these dreams were so off the wall and bizarre they just had to be shared. I got out of the habit over time and that's a shame because I believe some great stories have been lost somewhere in that gap. During my trip in Maryland last week I didn't get as much sleep as usual and when you are sleep deprived it often leads to more vivid dreams and when you wake up if you go over it in your head as soon as you wake you will usually retain a lot of detail. The last 3 nights have been vivid and hilarious. This led to my idea to create this blog where I will share the bizarre stuff I see at night. Unfortunately I do not remember too much because I came up with the idea after that vivid dream so this story will be short but I promise greater things in the future (along with some of the greatest ones from high school). I will mark the lucid dreams for those of you who are curious. I will also explain any outside influences that may have impacted what happens in the dream.

Night of October 12th 2009
Germantown, Maryland
I was in a street looking for something. I don't remember what but it was important. As I ran down the street I ran into my friend Zac. I asked him to join me in my search. He said he couldn't because he was with this group. As he said that a group of doctors in lilac robes marched by as if they were in a parade. Among them was Dr. Chase from House. Zac said they were close to a medical breakthrough and was busy. So I ran down the next street where I ran into Ryan Reynolds. He said he would help me and then proceeded to take of his shirt. To prevent this dream from getting really homoerotic I promptly woke up.
I want to look like him, not sleep with him.

Night of October 14th 2009
Palm Harbor, Florida
(Minor temporary lucidity)
I was at a Taco Bell with my friends Shauna and Zac and some other people. Zac attempted to make a "Seymour Butts" joke which I immediately countered with a better one and criticized his delivery. I then tried to explain how to better deliver such jokes. This is ridiculous as he is naturally the better comedian and "Seymour Butts" jokes are not funny. We then somehow got onto the subject of Pixar and I began to praise the new trailer for Toy Story 3. This is significant as I had watched that trailer right before I went to sleep. Shauna criticized the upcoming film prompting me to go out my wild speech (lucid moment) on how the film will be a heartbreaking masterpiece.

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