Night of October 29th, 2009
Palm Harbor, FL
Non Lucid
It all starts on a film set that looks very much like the Halloween Night set: cabins in the woods on a mountain. I am staying with the twins in one of the cabins. All of the cabins come housed with an underwater passageway to the local Wal-Mart Supercenter, another one of our locations for the film. I take it to get to work and almost drown in the process. I complain but no one is listening, someone has been murdered on set. Lisa comes up to me and tells me I need to get out, I am a suspect. She gets me the supplies I need, makes sure I am cross-dressed to avoid detection and hurries me out the front while Gina distracts the cops.
Once I am in the car and on my way, I get back in my own clothes and drive down to Gainesville but I am stuck in major traffic. They are doing a major overhaul of the main road. It needs widening and traffic is at a standstill. I look to my left and there is Tim Tebow in full football gear leading the way. He is making sure everyone is doing what they need to do. I take a nap and when I wake up the parking lot of a road is beginning to move. I look to my left again and the road is near completion. The machines are moving out too. Tebow is on one of them and he gives me a salute as he heads out.
I continue driving until I get to a small cut-in. I pull in to check my route. A cop on a motorcycle pulls up and tells me I should have my emergency flashers on. I thought he had heard about the murder but he didn't seem to know. It is such a relief I agree to pay the $55 dollar ticket he gives me. He tells me the ticket is also good for a discount at the Tampa Digger auto store. He leaves but when I check my phone I find out there is no such place as Tampa Digger. I go to hunt him down and reveal this scam. This guy wasn't a cop at all. That's why nothing came up when he checked my license. As I near his hideout I see someone else tracking him down. We team up and confront him as he is leaving. He jumped in his golf cart to escape but I grab on to the roof and do a swinging kick and knock him out.
Then I woke up.