Palm Harbor, FL
I was going up to visit George in Orlando and when I arrived at his new apartment complex I overheard two friends in an adjacent apartment. The conversation started out friendly but started to get violent. I started trying to figure out which apartment was George's and ended up opening doors to many empty rooms after I hid my stuff. George then showed up dressed up as Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid 4, with the exception of several Gears of War 2 icons on his jumpsuit. He told me he had been invited to a Halloween party back in Tampa. Turns out it's one being held by my USF friends. I go back to John's room to get my Run Lola Run costume on. Brynn is there and before I head back out to the party I show her my recent DVD acquisitions. I just got The 5th Element and Angel-A on Blu-ray in preparation for Luc Besson Fest '09
I head to the main room and it has turned into a huge theatrical auditorium with a lavish set and Mozart music is playing. I hear that it's a musical interpretation of Amadeus and the opening number is 20 minutes. I say that is great because a masterpiece like Amadeus can have numbers as long as they want.
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