Tampa, FL
I was working at Target at the cashier station in the electronics department. Person after person was buying Modern Warfare 2. Sometimes people would buy 2 -3 copies. I had the totals memorized after an hour or two and not a single other game was being bought. I decided that I was done with this and moved to a computer help desk. There I helped someone get signed up for a baby registry and also helped someone find a baby toy. Then someone asked where they could find Modern Warfare 2. Again I helped them and then got out of there too. That night I called up Tom Brady and had him come in for a photo shoot to advertise that we actually sell other games. I made standees of him throwing catching and holding other games such as Bioshock and Beatles Rock Band.
I honestly believe Modern Warfare 2 is just an elaborate game of whack-a-mole.
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