I have been waiting to use this title for a while. I remember pieces from a couple different dreams last night but not enough to be able to piece together a story. It is really a shame this night because the second one had some real depth to it. If anything though, this night shows my overly media induced life as there are references galore in these pieces. The picture above was a great find as my dreams this evening are like the remnants of Zechs' mask.
Night of November 5th, 2009
Palm Harbor, FL
In the first piece I picked up a Pokemon cards (again) and saw one of them wasn't for battling but had a trivia piece on it. It said that my friend Gina was in the movie Drag Me to Hell. I rent the movie and see that she is clearly in the opening scene. Later I picked up a Trivial Pursuit card and saw that Lisa was in a major film too. This card told me she was an extra in the warehouse scene of Serenity. Putting the film in I see that she is in focus for a few seconds before the camera racked focus to Malcolm and River. After that all I remember is talking to the twins and asking why they didn't tell me they were in those movies.
The second shard of broken glass here is about deep issues like war, peace, love and death. I was talking to Zechs Marquis about these issues. I am sure we also got to the topic of why we as human beings feel the need to compete and fight. It's a natural instinct. This could have also stemmed into the issue of human selfishness but I honestly don't remember , but I wish I did. I have tried really hard to rack my brain and all I came up with a small third sliver of glass from last night.
Third dream: I theorized on why I can get away with walking into people's homes in Oblivion to talk them and not have to knock on the door and how this is no way reflects on real life therefore taking me out of the immersive real-life experience Oblivion is supposed to give. I thought about this as I walked down my street trying both techniques. Oddly enough I didn't freak out the person who I walked in on but it didn't feel right.
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