I am sorry for the delays but I got a seasonal job at a toy store for the Christmas Season. It was so chaotic that mt sleep schedules were thrown off balance and the few times I remembered my dreams in the morning I wouldn't be able to get to a computer until much later. I forgot most of what happened by then. Christmas is over, I am unemployed again and I am back to blogging. Here are the few events I remember.
Hallucination in Palm Harbor: From a lack of sleep I was passing in and out of consciousness in church. Somewhere in between the two I envisioned veteran character actor Simon Callow's (not Simon Cowell) entire career before my eyes. From Amadeus to Phantom of the Opera to that terrible made for TV movie with Malcolm McDowell- I saw it all. I was about to make some opions out loud about that last one until I was jolted awake and realized I was about to make a scene in front a very pious crowd. That would have been interesting.
10 Hour catch up sleep in Coral Springs
I had another dream that I was working at Pixar. I want one of these to come true.
Nightmare in Tampa:
I had a dream that I was unemployed, that all the Star Wars Episode IV toys had been discontinued and that my dad had died. I don't feel like going more into it but thankfully only one of those are true.
When you have a dream where you stand up in the middle of a Taco Bell and make a grand speech on how Toy Story 3 will be a heartbreaking masterpiece... you need to make a blog about it.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
At least it wasn't "Battle Royale"
Night of December 9th, 2009
Palm Harbor, FL
(Note: I don't watch Survivor, and from the one time I happened to see it, I think the show is silly and have no intention of watching it again or ever being on it- despite that, this dream was pretty cool.)
The twins, Robert and I signed up for Survivor. We were dropped out of a plane with like 50 other people and had to swim to an island where we had to go through a series of physical tests to see if we were worthy of making the cut for the show. Once ashore I went into role playing mode and made sure everyone was on the island safely.
Once that happened I went and caught up with the rest. The twins were in the front of the pack through the tunnels. We slid through all the challenges easily. Lisa, Robert and I made the cut and for some reason they wanted to cut Gina. Lisa went to go talk to the producers who were on-site and got her reinstated while I rallied the crowds to call BS on the nonsense. We were the first one through! I honestly thought I would be cut for my antics but I didn't care. It so happens that the way I got the crowd going they actually got me placed as a tribe leader. The producers loved me and didn't want to let me go. They even advised me that once we headed out for the other island we were all on the final island we would each get to bring one item with us and I should choose something as a sign of my leadership. I was originally looking at something to keep warm like a blanket but they said that would be provided so I decided to take their advise and brought my green claymore from Oblivion.
So the four of us were in one tribe and everyone wanted to be on our side. We quickly kicked the other team's ass. It eventually got whittled down to just us four left. We didn't want to kick each other off the island. For a couple I days I just sat with my sword looking out at the sea trying to decide what to do. Then I decided- screw it- we were leaving together- now. I had such popularity with the crowds even the producers couldn't stop us. So we left and split the winnings.
Apparently, when stuck on an island, this is essential.
Palm Harbor, FL
(Note: I don't watch Survivor, and from the one time I happened to see it, I think the show is silly and have no intention of watching it again or ever being on it- despite that, this dream was pretty cool.)
The twins, Robert and I signed up for Survivor. We were dropped out of a plane with like 50 other people and had to swim to an island where we had to go through a series of physical tests to see if we were worthy of making the cut for the show. Once ashore I went into role playing mode and made sure everyone was on the island safely.
Once that happened I went and caught up with the rest. The twins were in the front of the pack through the tunnels. We slid through all the challenges easily. Lisa, Robert and I made the cut and for some reason they wanted to cut Gina. Lisa went to go talk to the producers who were on-site and got her reinstated while I rallied the crowds to call BS on the nonsense. We were the first one through! I honestly thought I would be cut for my antics but I didn't care. It so happens that the way I got the crowd going they actually got me placed as a tribe leader. The producers loved me and didn't want to let me go. They even advised me that once we headed out for the other island we were all on the final island we would each get to bring one item with us and I should choose something as a sign of my leadership. I was originally looking at something to keep warm like a blanket but they said that would be provided so I decided to take their advise and brought my green claymore from Oblivion.
So the four of us were in one tribe and everyone wanted to be on our side. We quickly kicked the other team's ass. It eventually got whittled down to just us four left. We didn't want to kick each other off the island. For a couple I days I just sat with my sword looking out at the sea trying to decide what to do. Then I decided- screw it- we were leaving together- now. I had such popularity with the crowds even the producers couldn't stop us. So we left and split the winnings.
battle royale,
robert lang,
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
My Return to LA
Night of December 8th, 2009
Palm Harbor, FL
I got into a taxi at the airport in LA. Zac is with me. We are heading to my dorm at USC. Apparently I had returned for grad school. I don't know the airport area to well but once I got closer I recognized some buildings. I told the people I finally recognized where I was. I didn't know the fastest way from there but I knew the general direction. The driver said not to worry he knew the fastest way and turned into a bank. IN TO THE BANK. He started driving the down the hallways and into the elevator (it was a big elevator). The elevator took us up a floor or two and he pulled out and started over a bridge. We finally got to the school and Zac and I got to work on strangely enough a theatrical production. The coolest part was everyone there wanted to be part of it. A lot of undergrads looked up to us. We were the big men on campus, film school style, because despite the theatre piece we were still in the School of Cinematic Arts. We were working all day and all night so I grabbed naps at lunch time. The dream finished with a undergrad girl coming and waking me up during my nap and asking excitedly if I was Michael Schatz. Darn right I am!
Palm Harbor, FL
I got into a taxi at the airport in LA. Zac is with me. We are heading to my dorm at USC. Apparently I had returned for grad school. I don't know the airport area to well but once I got closer I recognized some buildings. I told the people I finally recognized where I was. I didn't know the fastest way from there but I knew the general direction. The driver said not to worry he knew the fastest way and turned into a bank. IN TO THE BANK. He started driving the down the hallways and into the elevator (it was a big elevator). The elevator took us up a floor or two and he pulled out and started over a bridge. We finally got to the school and Zac and I got to work on strangely enough a theatrical production. The coolest part was everyone there wanted to be part of it. A lot of undergrads looked up to us. We were the big men on campus, film school style, because despite the theatre piece we were still in the School of Cinematic Arts. We were working all day and all night so I grabbed naps at lunch time. The dream finished with a undergrad girl coming and waking me up during my nap and asking excitedly if I was Michael Schatz. Darn right I am!
Friday, December 4, 2009
I want to be a Pixar Secret Agent!
Night of December 3rd, 2009
Palm Harbor, FL
Wow where to begin? Damn, I wish I could remember it all. This morning was crazy with my sister leaving for school and my brother leaving for skating and then I had to be up for the dishwasher guy coming in.
Well I think it starts with me on the revamped Kumba ride. They redesigned the roller coaster so it now has an underground section with the animatronic wolf from The Neverending Story. When I get off two people came up (I recognized one but for his sake I will leave him unidentified) and offered me and my Dad chocolate milk. It was REALLY CREEPY! They gave us the glasses like if we didn't take them we would tarnish their honor. After that ordeal someone tells me Pixar is hiring secret agents. I sign up and get hired. Now what does a secret agent do for Pixar? I have no idea. Next thing I know I am undercover in a clothing store. This very attractive mom comes in, very well dressed, and buys two blouses and then tells the sales lady she wants to buy me too. The saleslady rings me up. I didn't know I was for sale. I bring her stuff out to her car and shes says I can go- she bought me to get me out of that store. Well this is where I decide that if this MILF is going to "buy" me I am getting something out of it. I seduce her into making out and then the dream goes black. I remember clearly this moment- it was just like a blackout in a movie. You decide what happens there because the next thing I know I fixing a drawer in my brother's room that he busted up pretty badly. I have no idea how you break the inner workings of a dresser but he did. More happened after this but this is sadly where I have trouble remembering things due to the constant slamming of doors while people are coming and going.
Let it be known that unfortunately Kate Beckinsale did not play the MILF in my dream. When I did a Google image search for "MILF" pictures of Britney Spears came up and I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole. This is much better.
Palm Harbor, FL
Wow where to begin? Damn, I wish I could remember it all. This morning was crazy with my sister leaving for school and my brother leaving for skating and then I had to be up for the dishwasher guy coming in.
Well I think it starts with me on the revamped Kumba ride. They redesigned the roller coaster so it now has an underground section with the animatronic wolf from The Neverending Story. When I get off two people came up (I recognized one but for his sake I will leave him unidentified) and offered me and my Dad chocolate milk. It was REALLY CREEPY! They gave us the glasses like if we didn't take them we would tarnish their honor. After that ordeal someone tells me Pixar is hiring secret agents. I sign up and get hired. Now what does a secret agent do for Pixar? I have no idea. Next thing I know I am undercover in a clothing store. This very attractive mom comes in, very well dressed, and buys two blouses and then tells the sales lady she wants to buy me too. The saleslady rings me up. I didn't know I was for sale. I bring her stuff out to her car and shes says I can go- she bought me to get me out of that store. Well this is where I decide that if this MILF is going to "buy" me I am getting something out of it. I seduce her into making out and then the dream goes black. I remember clearly this moment- it was just like a blackout in a movie. You decide what happens there because the next thing I know I fixing a drawer in my brother's room that he busted up pretty badly. I have no idea how you break the inner workings of a dresser but he did. More happened after this but this is sadly where I have trouble remembering things due to the constant slamming of doors while people are coming and going.
Britney Spears,
chocolate milk,
clothing store,
Kate Becknsale,
neverending story,
Monday, November 30, 2009
Tom Brady want you to play Bioshock
Night of November 29th, 2009
Tampa, FL
I was working at Target at the cashier station in the electronics department. Person after person was buying Modern Warfare 2. Sometimes people would buy 2 -3 copies. I had the totals memorized after an hour or two and not a single other game was being bought. I decided that I was done with this and moved to a computer help desk. There I helped someone get signed up for a baby registry and also helped someone find a baby toy. Then someone asked where they could find Modern Warfare 2. Again I helped them and then got out of there too. That night I called up Tom Brady and had him come in for a photo shoot to advertise that we actually sell other games. I made standees of him throwing catching and holding other games such as Bioshock and Beatles Rock Band.
I honestly believe Modern Warfare 2 is just an elaborate game of whack-a-mole.
He might also want you to pick up his game too.
Tampa, FL
I was working at Target at the cashier station in the electronics department. Person after person was buying Modern Warfare 2. Sometimes people would buy 2 -3 copies. I had the totals memorized after an hour or two and not a single other game was being bought. I decided that I was done with this and moved to a computer help desk. There I helped someone get signed up for a baby registry and also helped someone find a baby toy. Then someone asked where they could find Modern Warfare 2. Again I helped them and then got out of there too. That night I called up Tom Brady and had him come in for a photo shoot to advertise that we actually sell other games. I made standees of him throwing catching and holding other games such as Bioshock and Beatles Rock Band.
I honestly believe Modern Warfare 2 is just an elaborate game of whack-a-mole.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Long Day Equals Randomness
It was a long crazy day so a lot of details got lost and also this post is late. I do remember these following things:
-A film called "The Double Man" starring Robert de Niro and Sean Bean. The poster was the two actors faces crossing over each other suggesting the actors were playing the same perosn in the film.
- A video game that was like Super Mario Galaxy but with a witch final boss.
-One of the characters you can play as was a cross between Donald Duck and Iron Man.
This is interesting because both Sean Bean and Robert de Niro were in "Ronin", and Disney bought Marvel.
Close Enough.
-A film called "The Double Man" starring Robert de Niro and Sean Bean. The poster was the two actors faces crossing over each other suggesting the actors were playing the same perosn in the film.
- A video game that was like Super Mario Galaxy but with a witch final boss.
-One of the characters you can play as was a cross between Donald Duck and Iron Man.
This is interesting because both Sean Bean and Robert de Niro were in "Ronin", and Disney bought Marvel.
Donald Duck,
Iron Man,
Robert de Niro,
Sean Bean
Friday, November 27, 2009
I want a Batman Discount Card!
Night of November 26th, 2009
Palm Harbor, FL
The night started with a Twilight Zone-like episode where a man gets a second chance at life after dying but he immediately sacrifices it for his grandson. Coming back as a different person the grandson does not recognize him at first. I feel like this dream was given to me to make a short film out of it was so intriguing.
After that my next dream was about how I was teaming up with a crime scene investigator to learn how to solve crimes for some reason. I would try and figure things out using what I had seen in movies. It honestly sounds like the idea for a bad TV show. We are a great team until this hot shot from the DA shows up and has a different idea on one of his cases. My partner is at a loss but I step in and prove him wrong using evidence from a terrible disaster movie called "Elevator Shaft 6". How there was more than one I don't know. Also why is it the same girl in all 6; how does she keep getting stuck in elevators? She was REALLY hot though.
In a final segment, Batman was buying Cheerios for 5 cents with a special discount card. Not fair.
Palm Harbor, FL
The night started with a Twilight Zone-like episode where a man gets a second chance at life after dying but he immediately sacrifices it for his grandson. Coming back as a different person the grandson does not recognize him at first. I feel like this dream was given to me to make a short film out of it was so intriguing.
After that my next dream was about how I was teaming up with a crime scene investigator to learn how to solve crimes for some reason. I would try and figure things out using what I had seen in movies. It honestly sounds like the idea for a bad TV show. We are a great team until this hot shot from the DA shows up and has a different idea on one of his cases. My partner is at a loss but I step in and prove him wrong using evidence from a terrible disaster movie called "Elevator Shaft 6". How there was more than one I don't know. Also why is it the same girl in all 6; how does she keep getting stuck in elevators? She was REALLY hot though.
In a final segment, Batman was buying Cheerios for 5 cents with a special discount card. Not fair.
crime scene,
disaster movie,
twilight zone
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Damn you Zac Efron, or How I Write a Blog and Accidentally Set Off the Bomb
Superstitious people should not read the following because my dream told by writing this article I set about the end of the world. Or at least the nuclear apocalypse.
Night of November 25th, 2009
Palm Harbor, FL
I was going to a class at USC and it happened to be set below ground. I take the steps to the classroom recessed into the ground and strike up a conversation with the two fellows next to me. One of them used to be in the Navy and the other the Army. They were talking about the two types of bombs used in their former line of work and the differences between them. All of sudden the ground shakes, all the lights went out except for the sunlight coming from above. I stack a chair on a table and look up through the window. The nuclear apocalypse had stuck and we were only alive because we were below ground; the recessed classroom had worked like a bunker. We began discussing how we couldn't go outside due to radiation but we could not survive inside with no food. I got back on the chair and saw that the room above us had fruit trees. What a convenient place for an arbor fruit farm.
Now the next thing I was wondering was what caused all this. I don't know how I figured this out in the end but it turns out this all stems from the fact that I had written a blog article about how I wanted to see the upcoming Zac Efron movie. (It happens to be true. "Me and Orson Wells", despite all odds, actually looks good.)
Night of November 25th, 2009
Palm Harbor, FL
I was going to a class at USC and it happened to be set below ground. I take the steps to the classroom recessed into the ground and strike up a conversation with the two fellows next to me. One of them used to be in the Navy and the other the Army. They were talking about the two types of bombs used in their former line of work and the differences between them. All of sudden the ground shakes, all the lights went out except for the sunlight coming from above. I stack a chair on a table and look up through the window. The nuclear apocalypse had stuck and we were only alive because we were below ground; the recessed classroom had worked like a bunker. We began discussing how we couldn't go outside due to radiation but we could not survive inside with no food. I got back on the chair and saw that the room above us had fruit trees. What a convenient place for an arbor fruit farm.
Now the next thing I was wondering was what caused all this. I don't know how I figured this out in the end but it turns out this all stems from the fact that I had written a blog article about how I wanted to see the upcoming Zac Efron movie. (It happens to be true. "Me and Orson Wells", despite all odds, actually looks good.)
nuclear holocaust,
Orson wells,
zac efron
Monday, November 23, 2009
Tobey Maguire is scared of my powers
Night of November 22, 2009
Orlando, FL
The twins and I were at Barnes and Noble eagerly awaiting the release of Adam Lambert's new CD. When I go inside I see my friend John there and I don't know exactly what we were discussing but I think it had to do with the new Batman film. When I get back in the car Tobey Maguire is riding shotgun in his Spiderman suit. After some confused greetings the twins say they have heard James Franco will still be in Spiderman 4; despite his death in the third movie he will still be a villainous Green Goblin. Tobey says he is not at liberty to say but I chime in saying my sources have revealed that not only will he return but they will introduce Carnage to continue the symbiote saga and also include Black Cat so the series can counter the strong female villain of Catwoman that DC has. Tobey looks stunned and says "I am not allowed to say... damn it how do you know these things?!"
Orlando, FL
The twins and I were at Barnes and Noble eagerly awaiting the release of Adam Lambert's new CD. When I go inside I see my friend John there and I don't know exactly what we were discussing but I think it had to do with the new Batman film. When I get back in the car Tobey Maguire is riding shotgun in his Spiderman suit. After some confused greetings the twins say they have heard James Franco will still be in Spiderman 4; despite his death in the third movie he will still be a villainous Green Goblin. Tobey says he is not at liberty to say but I chime in saying my sources have revealed that not only will he return but they will introduce Carnage to continue the symbiote saga and also include Black Cat so the series can counter the strong female villain of Catwoman that DC has. Tobey looks stunned and says "I am not allowed to say... damn it how do you know these things?!"
barnes and noble,
black cat,
green goblin,
james franco,
tobey maguire,
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Are you happy now?
Alicia was wondering why she never showed up in my dreams. Now it's two nights in a row so she should be happy now :)
Night of November 18th, 2009
Palm Harbor, FL
Alicia and I were attending a party at my friend Ashley's house. For some reason all of Alicia's DVD's (mostly "The Simpsons" collections?) were there too and every time she left the room I would rearrange them in the middle of the room to make some shape. This was really starting to annoy her but I did it anyway. Later in the party Star Wars: Episode 1 was playing in the background. I made sure everyone knew when it was Natalie Portman and when it was Keira Knightley. Ashley gave me a hug as we were leaving and thanked me for coming. I think we left Alicia's DVD's there...

Can you tell which one is which?
Night of November 18th, 2009
Palm Harbor, FL
Alicia and I were attending a party at my friend Ashley's house. For some reason all of Alicia's DVD's (mostly "The Simpsons" collections?) were there too and every time she left the room I would rearrange them in the middle of the room to make some shape. This was really starting to annoy her but I did it anyway. Later in the party Star Wars: Episode 1 was playing in the background. I made sure everyone knew when it was Natalie Portman and when it was Keira Knightley. Ashley gave me a hug as we were leaving and thanked me for coming. I think we left Alicia's DVD's there...
Can you tell which one is which?
Keira Knightley,
natalie portman,
phantom menace,
star wars,
The simpsons
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Alicia, we should own a bar!
Night of Tuesday, November 17th, 2009
Palm Harbor, FL
Alicia and I were cleaning up a bar we apparently ran and operated back in the East Lake area. I was cleaning the glasses and noticed that we had placed business cards in the bottom of them. You know how places will do that under the glass in tables, well we did it in our glasses. One of the last customers asked who Cory Davidson was noticing a card in his glass saying "In Memory of Cory Davidson". I told him he was a high school friend of mine who played football in the area. He unfortunately died while still in college- too young. The customer, feeling he was rude, looked solemn paid and left.
(It should be noted that again my dream doesn't make sense. It was Cory's twin brother, Sean, who has sadly passed on.)
Palm Harbor, FL
Alicia and I were cleaning up a bar we apparently ran and operated back in the East Lake area. I was cleaning the glasses and noticed that we had placed business cards in the bottom of them. You know how places will do that under the glass in tables, well we did it in our glasses. One of the last customers asked who Cory Davidson was noticing a card in his glass saying "In Memory of Cory Davidson". I told him he was a high school friend of mine who played football in the area. He unfortunately died while still in college- too young. The customer, feeling he was rude, looked solemn paid and left.
(It should be noted that again my dream doesn't make sense. It was Cory's twin brother, Sean, who has sadly passed on.)
cory davidson,
sean davidson
Monday, November 16, 2009
Worst Night Ever
Did I have a dream last? Yes I did but it was more like a memory. A terrible memory of a real event from last night. I was forced to live it over and over again ALL NIGHT. That's why I am not going into much detail and using my usual format. I will just give a quick overview and post a video. I watched the Patriots/ Colts game last night and my team was dominating the whole game. Then the coach I respected so highly goes and makes the bonehead call of going for it on 4th down on their own 28 with 2 minutes left.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Larry King impressions have no place in Arkham Asylum
Night of November 9th, 2009
Tampa, FL
I'm Batman. Well, I did have a dream in which I was playing Arkham Asylum (but I was actually the Dark Knight- it was real not a game), and let me tell you, a dream in which you are the Caped Crusader and you fly around kicking ass is incredibly cathartic. You wake up brimming with energy.
Earlier that night another dream. I was on a cruise with two friends. One was my friend Steve, and the other friend was my fencing instructor in high school. As good as I am with names and faces I was never able to remember her name. This is odd because I always had a thing for her. Anyway we get off the cruise and she tells me that she met a guy on the cruise but didn't get his number. So I go and somehow get it for her and program it into her Iphone for her. After that for some reason I do a Larry King impression. Steve pipes up saying that it was a very good impression and was very funny.
A Google Image search for Larry King revealed this gem.
Tampa, FL
I'm Batman. Well, I did have a dream in which I was playing Arkham Asylum (but I was actually the Dark Knight- it was real not a game), and let me tell you, a dream in which you are the Caped Crusader and you fly around kicking ass is incredibly cathartic. You wake up brimming with energy.
Earlier that night another dream. I was on a cruise with two friends. One was my friend Steve, and the other friend was my fencing instructor in high school. As good as I am with names and faces I was never able to remember her name. This is odd because I always had a thing for her. Anyway we get off the cruise and she tells me that she met a guy on the cruise but didn't get his number. So I go and somehow get it for her and program it into her Iphone for her. After that for some reason I do a Larry King impression. Steve pipes up saying that it was a very good impression and was very funny.
arkham asylum,
larry king,
unknown girl
Monday, November 9, 2009
I have a film print of Lola Rennt?
The first movie reference to appear twice: Lola Rennt
Night of November 9th, 2009
Palm Harbor, FL
Will brought over an old 35mm projector and we were going to watch Raiders of the Lost Ark on it. I also brought out a film print of Run Lola Run. It wasn't fitting in the projector. I don't know if it was supposed to be IMAX or CinemaScope, the thing is it looked really distorted in my dream (dreams do that) but I am going to lean toward CinemaScope. The whole dream was kinda trippy and technically inaccurate. For example the projector was actually an 8mm projector but it was taking 35. Figure that one out.
Later in a second dream I was in Target and I am brought into the security room with another lady. They accuse me of stealing things, things which I obviously had not stolen because they had them on the table right there in front of them. Then to find out if I did it they make me swab my mouth (the procedure for bone marrow identification) multiple times. I need to stop watching so much House M.D.
Night of November 9th, 2009
Palm Harbor, FL
Will brought over an old 35mm projector and we were going to watch Raiders of the Lost Ark on it. I also brought out a film print of Run Lola Run. It wasn't fitting in the projector. I don't know if it was supposed to be IMAX or CinemaScope, the thing is it looked really distorted in my dream (dreams do that) but I am going to lean toward CinemaScope. The whole dream was kinda trippy and technically inaccurate. For example the projector was actually an 8mm projector but it was taking 35. Figure that one out.
Later in a second dream I was in Target and I am brought into the security room with another lady. They accuse me of stealing things, things which I obviously had not stolen because they had them on the table right there in front of them. Then to find out if I did it they make me swab my mouth (the procedure for bone marrow identification) multiple times. I need to stop watching so much House M.D.
bone marrow,
Raiders of the lost ark,
Run Lola Run,
Saturday, November 7, 2009
One Last Halloween Party
Night of November 6th, 2009
Palm Harbor, FL
I was going up to visit George in Orlando and when I arrived at his new apartment complex I overheard two friends in an adjacent apartment. The conversation started out friendly but started to get violent. I started trying to figure out which apartment was George's and ended up opening doors to many empty rooms after I hid my stuff. George then showed up dressed up as Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid 4, with the exception of several Gears of War 2 icons on his jumpsuit. He told me he had been invited to a Halloween party back in Tampa. Turns out it's one being held by my USF friends. I go back to John's room to get my Run Lola Run costume on. Brynn is there and before I head back out to the party I show her my recent DVD acquisitions. I just got The 5th Element and Angel-A on Blu-ray in preparation for Luc Besson Fest '09
I head to the main room and it has turned into a huge theatrical auditorium with a lavish set and Mozart music is playing. I hear that it's a musical interpretation of Amadeus and the opening number is 20 minutes. I say that is great because a masterpiece like Amadeus can have numbers as long as they want.
Take note USF friends, we need to have a badass party like this.
Palm Harbor, FL
I was going up to visit George in Orlando and when I arrived at his new apartment complex I overheard two friends in an adjacent apartment. The conversation started out friendly but started to get violent. I started trying to figure out which apartment was George's and ended up opening doors to many empty rooms after I hid my stuff. George then showed up dressed up as Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid 4, with the exception of several Gears of War 2 icons on his jumpsuit. He told me he had been invited to a Halloween party back in Tampa. Turns out it's one being held by my USF friends. I go back to John's room to get my Run Lola Run costume on. Brynn is there and before I head back out to the party I show her my recent DVD acquisitions. I just got The 5th Element and Angel-A on Blu-ray in preparation for Luc Besson Fest '09
I head to the main room and it has turned into a huge theatrical auditorium with a lavish set and Mozart music is playing. I hear that it's a musical interpretation of Amadeus and the opening number is 20 minutes. I say that is great because a masterpiece like Amadeus can have numbers as long as they want.
gears of war,
metal gear solid,
Run Lola Run,
solid snake,
the 5th element,
Friday, November 6, 2009
Shattered Dreams
I have been waiting to use this title for a while. I remember pieces from a couple different dreams last night but not enough to be able to piece together a story. It is really a shame this night because the second one had some real depth to it. If anything though, this night shows my overly media induced life as there are references galore in these pieces. The picture above was a great find as my dreams this evening are like the remnants of Zechs' mask.
Night of November 5th, 2009
Palm Harbor, FL
In the first piece I picked up a Pokemon cards (again) and saw one of them wasn't for battling but had a trivia piece on it. It said that my friend Gina was in the movie Drag Me to Hell. I rent the movie and see that she is clearly in the opening scene. Later I picked up a Trivial Pursuit card and saw that Lisa was in a major film too. This card told me she was an extra in the warehouse scene of Serenity. Putting the film in I see that she is in focus for a few seconds before the camera racked focus to Malcolm and River. After that all I remember is talking to the twins and asking why they didn't tell me they were in those movies.
The second shard of broken glass here is about deep issues like war, peace, love and death. I was talking to Zechs Marquis about these issues. I am sure we also got to the topic of why we as human beings feel the need to compete and fight. It's a natural instinct. This could have also stemmed into the issue of human selfishness but I honestly don't remember , but I wish I did. I have tried really hard to rack my brain and all I came up with a small third sliver of glass from last night.
Third dream: I theorized on why I can get away with walking into people's homes in Oblivion to talk them and not have to knock on the door and how this is no way reflects on real life therefore taking me out of the immersive real-life experience Oblivion is supposed to give. I thought about this as I walked down my street trying both techniques. Oddly enough I didn't freak out the person who I walked in on but it didn't feel right.
drag me to hell,
gundam wing,
Keira Knightley,
malcolm reynolds,
river tam,
trivial pursuit,
zechs marquis
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Dog Food is Hazardous to your Health
Night of November 3rd, 2009
Palm Harbor, FL
My brother, Ryan and I were all on the art department crew for an episode of House being shot in the middle of Russia. I just noticed that meant we were in the middle of Siberia, but none of us were dressed accordingly and were not dying of hypothermia. Oh well. So the film crew was finishing the last scene of the day with Hugh Laurie and Robert Sean Leonard (being shot on a RED ONE with Nikon lenses), and while they were wrapping up we decided to start taking the file cabinets out to where we were storing them for the next day's scene. Paul comes back in and tells me the art director just chewed him out for having the wrong color-coded wallpaper on one of the filing cabinets. We were color coding all the cabinets because some were in the first couple shots and others were in the later shots. Very strange system of continuity.
Once we had everything packed up we drove them out to our field where we were storing everything. It was a giant snow covered field and the only things in sight were the zeppelin we arrived in which looked like a long snaky red dragon and a large apartment complex that looked more like a warehouse. I helped my buddy Max break down his D90 off a tripod and remove the matte-box. Ryan put the tripod legs away. It looked like we were set to go when a bag of dog food fell off something near the complex. A bunch of Pomeranian sled dogs (?) started making a bunch of noise as they charged over to get the food. We could hear an angry lady leave her apartment to come see what happened. She was yelling "Whoever knocked over that bag, you had better pick it up." We didn't want to get in a fight so we headed toward my Mustang. Good thing we did because it got more frightening. She started sounding livid. "Pick it up you bastard!" Once we got to the car we saw her round the corner- she had a shotgun! We got in and gunned it. She blew a whole in my back window and I started dodging film equipment while trying to keep her off target. I finally got behind some stuff and drove as fast as I could to get out of there.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Old Dream: Flight of the Rolex
Another old classic dream of mine, this time from circa March 2004.
I am at a hotel in Tampa where one of my chess tournaments once took place. I have tracked down a kid from my high school Bio II class here. He has stolen my Rolex. I ask the receptionist where he is staying and then pay for the room above his. I wait until night falls and then open the air vent in my room. I crawl through the ducts until I find his room. I sneak in but he wakes up and calls the cops. I quickly crawl back through the ducts and return to my room. Once I am back the cops arrive soon after and bust in the door. I think I am trapped but when I turn around a door magically appears on the wall behind me. I open it and it's the Loony Toon effect: a mile high drop off. It's either the cops or I fall to my death. I am rational and jump. The result...

...The Matrix effect of course! I land gracefully just on the other side of a barbwire fence and in front of high speed traffic. I look to my right and there is absolutely nothing. On my left is an old man with a shotgun to my face. I raise my arms showing I am unarmed. He lowers his gun and says "Oh, it's you!" in a surprised tone. I have no idea who this old man is but he apparently thinks he knows who I am. He hands me a bike and tells me to hurry. I get on the bike and start pedaling away and to my surprise the bike begins to go all E.T. on me.

I fly over the highway for a along time. I follow the path the highway takes me for miles and eventually veer off and land in a basketball court. The court is unique however as it has a BMW insignia on the center of the court and has a gymnast safety net connecting the two rims. A orange pickup truck pull up and the old man gets out with the kid who took my watch. He hands over my Rolex and apologizes. Then the old man comes up and pats my shoulder as he explains that he has paid off my debt to BMW.
I don't own a Rolex and have never had any business with BMW...
I am at a hotel in Tampa where one of my chess tournaments once took place. I have tracked down a kid from my high school Bio II class here. He has stolen my Rolex. I ask the receptionist where he is staying and then pay for the room above his. I wait until night falls and then open the air vent in my room. I crawl through the ducts until I find his room. I sneak in but he wakes up and calls the cops. I quickly crawl back through the ducts and return to my room. Once I am back the cops arrive soon after and bust in the door. I think I am trapped but when I turn around a door magically appears on the wall behind me. I open it and it's the Loony Toon effect: a mile high drop off. It's either the cops or I fall to my death. I am rational and jump. The result...
...The Matrix effect of course! I land gracefully just on the other side of a barbwire fence and in front of high speed traffic. I look to my right and there is absolutely nothing. On my left is an old man with a shotgun to my face. I raise my arms showing I am unarmed. He lowers his gun and says "Oh, it's you!" in a surprised tone. I have no idea who this old man is but he apparently thinks he knows who I am. He hands me a bike and tells me to hurry. I get on the bike and start pedaling away and to my surprise the bike begins to go all E.T. on me.
I fly over the highway for a along time. I follow the path the highway takes me for miles and eventually veer off and land in a basketball court. The court is unique however as it has a BMW insignia on the center of the court and has a gymnast safety net connecting the two rims. A orange pickup truck pull up and the old man gets out with the kid who took my watch. He hands over my Rolex and apologizes. Then the old man comes up and pats my shoulder as he explains that he has paid off my debt to BMW.
I don't own a Rolex and have never had any business with BMW...
air ducts,
Bio II,
chess tournament,
Loony Toons,
old man,
The matrix
Friday, October 30, 2009
The Road to Tim Tebow's Halloween Night
Bear with me as this is a very, very odd dream that takes many twists and turns.
Night of October 29th, 2009
Palm Harbor, FL
Non Lucid
It all starts on a film set that looks very much like the Halloween Night set: cabins in the woods on a mountain. I am staying with the twins in one of the cabins. All of the cabins come housed with an underwater passageway to the local Wal-Mart Supercenter, another one of our locations for the film. I take it to get to work and almost drown in the process. I complain but no one is listening, someone has been murdered on set. Lisa comes up to me and tells me I need to get out, I am a suspect. She gets me the supplies I need, makes sure I am cross-dressed to avoid detection and hurries me out the front while Gina distracts the cops.
Yes I am in this movie, but I don't recommend it.
Once I am in the car and on my way, I get back in my own clothes and drive down to Gainesville but I am stuck in major traffic. They are doing a major overhaul of the main road. It needs widening and traffic is at a standstill. I look to my left and there is Tim Tebow in full football gear leading the way. He is making sure everyone is doing what they need to do. I take a nap and when I wake up the parking lot of a road is beginning to move. I look to my left again and the road is near completion. The machines are moving out too. Tebow is on one of them and he gives me a salute as he heads out.
Tim Tebow: Running plays AND tractors?
I continue driving until I get to a small cut-in. I pull in to check my route. A cop on a motorcycle pulls up and tells me I should have my emergency flashers on. I thought he had heard about the murder but he didn't seem to know. It is such a relief I agree to pay the $55 dollar ticket he gives me. He tells me the ticket is also good for a discount at the Tampa Digger auto store. He leaves but when I check my phone I find out there is no such place as Tampa Digger. I go to hunt him down and reveal this scam. This guy wasn't a cop at all. That's why nothing came up when he checked my license. As I near his hideout I see someone else tracking him down. We team up and confront him as he is leaving. He jumped in his golf cart to escape but I grab on to the roof and do a swinging kick and knock him out.
Then I woke up.
A Google Image Search of Tampa Digger revealed this gem.
Night of October 29th, 2009
Palm Harbor, FL
Non Lucid
It all starts on a film set that looks very much like the Halloween Night set: cabins in the woods on a mountain. I am staying with the twins in one of the cabins. All of the cabins come housed with an underwater passageway to the local Wal-Mart Supercenter, another one of our locations for the film. I take it to get to work and almost drown in the process. I complain but no one is listening, someone has been murdered on set. Lisa comes up to me and tells me I need to get out, I am a suspect. She gets me the supplies I need, makes sure I am cross-dressed to avoid detection and hurries me out the front while Gina distracts the cops.
Once I am in the car and on my way, I get back in my own clothes and drive down to Gainesville but I am stuck in major traffic. They are doing a major overhaul of the main road. It needs widening and traffic is at a standstill. I look to my left and there is Tim Tebow in full football gear leading the way. He is making sure everyone is doing what they need to do. I take a nap and when I wake up the parking lot of a road is beginning to move. I look to my left again and the road is near completion. The machines are moving out too. Tebow is on one of them and he gives me a salute as he heads out.
I continue driving until I get to a small cut-in. I pull in to check my route. A cop on a motorcycle pulls up and tells me I should have my emergency flashers on. I thought he had heard about the murder but he didn't seem to know. It is such a relief I agree to pay the $55 dollar ticket he gives me. He tells me the ticket is also good for a discount at the Tampa Digger auto store. He leaves but when I check my phone I find out there is no such place as Tampa Digger. I go to hunt him down and reveal this scam. This guy wasn't a cop at all. That's why nothing came up when he checked my license. As I near his hideout I see someone else tracking him down. We team up and confront him as he is leaving. He jumped in his golf cart to escape but I grab on to the roof and do a swinging kick and knock him out.
Then I woke up.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Axis, Allies, Jelly Beans and Trolls
Night of Monday October 26, 2009
Palm Harbor, FL
I was looking through some cards that looked like they were a cross between Pokemon and Magic the Gathering cards when Tony busted in and said he wanted to show me a real game. So Corey and Tony began playing a twisted version of Axis and Allies... in my sister's room... with jelly beans. Corey's Nazi baby blue beans started marching toward Russia and took a crucial bridge. He left the room and while he was gone Tony played a big card resulting in his red jelly beans taking over half the territory Corey just took. Tony ate all the jelly beans from Corey's vanquished troops. Corey was upset when he came back and fought to reclaim the bridge. Odd thing in doing so, history be damned, a few turns later Russia was being run by the Nazis and Europe was covered by the Russians. Corey still had the bridge though and as hard as Tony tried he couldn't get more than a third of the way across. By now all the beans had been eaten and they were playing with green and red tiles.
Someone should make a "Someone has eaten all of Hitler's jellybeans" Youtube video.
After this came to a standstill they turned there eyes toward northern Africa, which was being run by an invisible third player who was using those odd Halloween orange circus peanut marshmallow things nobody ever eats. Corey quickly took high command here leaving Tony with just a small camp of troops left in Morocco. I asked my sister "Why doesn't Tony use the troll units he has in Paris?" My sister responded by saying the trolls suck. Apparently either the troll is the worst unit in the game or the Nazi's have troll rockets or something. I prefer to think of the latter as the truth.
THE KEYS TO VICTORY: Jelly Beans and Troll Rockets
Palm Harbor, FL
I was looking through some cards that looked like they were a cross between Pokemon and Magic the Gathering cards when Tony busted in and said he wanted to show me a real game. So Corey and Tony began playing a twisted version of Axis and Allies... in my sister's room... with jelly beans. Corey's Nazi baby blue beans started marching toward Russia and took a crucial bridge. He left the room and while he was gone Tony played a big card resulting in his red jelly beans taking over half the territory Corey just took. Tony ate all the jelly beans from Corey's vanquished troops. Corey was upset when he came back and fought to reclaim the bridge. Odd thing in doing so, history be damned, a few turns later Russia was being run by the Nazis and Europe was covered by the Russians. Corey still had the bridge though and as hard as Tony tried he couldn't get more than a third of the way across. By now all the beans had been eaten and they were playing with green and red tiles.
After this came to a standstill they turned there eyes toward northern Africa, which was being run by an invisible third player who was using those odd Halloween orange circus peanut marshmallow things nobody ever eats. Corey quickly took high command here leaving Tony with just a small camp of troops left in Morocco. I asked my sister "Why doesn't Tony use the troll units he has in Paris?" My sister responded by saying the trolls suck. Apparently either the troll is the worst unit in the game or the Nazi's have troll rockets or something. I prefer to think of the latter as the truth.
jelly beans,
jelly belly,
magic the gathering,
troll rockets,
Sunday, October 25, 2009
The Flash vs. Baby Flash
Night of Saturday October 24, 2009
Palm Harbor, FL
Non Lucid
I was in a movie studio and I was The Flash. This sounds like the nerdiest thing ever, I know. I don't know why all of this was, it just was. I don't even like The Flash that much (that's right Ryan I said it). DC's greatest hero will always be Batman. Problem was I wasn't Batman- I was The Flash and I had a kid. Does The Flash even have a kid? I am going to have to ask one of my friends on that one.
Wow getting sidetracked.
So I was The Flash and I was racing a miniature version of me through the studio paths between the sound stages. Only thing was I had to carry a large HMI light to make the race fair. I was running and jumping with this light like it was nothing. Up and down stairwells, dodging people- everything. This went on for a long time and in the end I kicked my kid's ass!

Also: I would like to notify my readers that my dream with RED may very well be a prophetic one. I have landed an interview with them.
Palm Harbor, FL
Non Lucid
I was in a movie studio and I was The Flash. This sounds like the nerdiest thing ever, I know. I don't know why all of this was, it just was. I don't even like The Flash that much (that's right Ryan I said it). DC's greatest hero will always be Batman. Problem was I wasn't Batman- I was The Flash and I had a kid. Does The Flash even have a kid? I am going to have to ask one of my friends on that one.
Wow getting sidetracked.
So I was The Flash and I was racing a miniature version of me through the studio paths between the sound stages. Only thing was I had to carry a large HMI light to make the race fair. I was running and jumping with this light like it was nothing. Up and down stairwells, dodging people- everything. This went on for a long time and in the end I kicked my kid's ass!
Also: I would like to notify my readers that my dream with RED may very well be a prophetic one. I have landed an interview with them.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Old Dream: Portman vs. Candy
Couldn't recall my dream from last night so here is a golden oldie from around 2004-2005.
I am on a subway, dressed up for a wedding. It turns out I have been invited to Natalie Portman's wedding, except I am already at it. It is taking place in the last car of a New York subway. In the middle of the ceremony a swarm of M&M minis attack. Huey from "The Boondocks" appears and helps me fight the candy bits from hell off to save the wedding ceremony and we are the heroes of the reception.
I am on a subway, dressed up for a wedding. It turns out I have been invited to Natalie Portman's wedding, except I am already at it. It is taking place in the last car of a New York subway. In the middle of the ceremony a swarm of M&M minis attack. Huey from "The Boondocks" appears and helps me fight the candy bits from hell off to save the wedding ceremony and we are the heroes of the reception.
huey freeman,
m and m minis,
natalie portman,
the boondocks,
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Night of October 16th, 2009
Palm Harbor, FL
In case you didn't know I am a huge supporter of RED Cinema and eagerly anticipate the release of their new Scarlet camera. Last night I found myself in their factory and was let into all their top secret rooms. (They must have contact with aliens to have technology so far advanced of all their competitors. I don't know how they do it!) After a while a few people started asking who I was and what I was doing there but I wasn't kicked out once they figured out who I was. I didn't know why until I realized that ALL my friends were working there. Will and Yvonne were just two that I ran into. (Yvonne's name tag read "Cherry Darling" for some reason.) Yvonne didn't remember me at first but Will greeted me with enthusiasm and showed me around. I also asked him if he could try and get me a job with the company. We discussed the possibility as we headed down to the nearest beach that RED was near. Turns out the company has a secret tunnel to the beach because they are just that amazing.

Palm Harbor, FL
In case you didn't know I am a huge supporter of RED Cinema and eagerly anticipate the release of their new Scarlet camera. Last night I found myself in their factory and was let into all their top secret rooms. (They must have contact with aliens to have technology so far advanced of all their competitors. I don't know how they do it!) After a while a few people started asking who I was and what I was doing there but I wasn't kicked out once they figured out who I was. I didn't know why until I realized that ALL my friends were working there. Will and Yvonne were just two that I ran into. (Yvonne's name tag read "Cherry Darling" for some reason.) Yvonne didn't remember me at first but Will greeted me with enthusiasm and showed me around. I also asked him if he could try and get me a job with the company. We discussed the possibility as we headed down to the nearest beach that RED was near. Turns out the company has a secret tunnel to the beach because they are just that amazing.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Long Live Peter Finch
Night of October 16th, 2009
Palm Harbor, FL
I was at the apartment of the Gomez twins (although it looked just like Corey's house) and was talking with Lisa about something, (probably Adam Lambert) and after that when she got up to go somewhere Gina came and sat next to me and we begun discussing how good Where The Wild Thing Are was going to be. Some of their friends showed up and for some reason a giant Nerf fight broke out. I was getting more ammo in the pantry (?) and then when I came out of the pantry I decided to re-enact the famous "I am as mad as hell" speech from Network.

This was probably due to the fact that I was mad as hell. I didn't get an interview with Blizzard. If you haven't seen this film or this scene, please watch the scene HERE. It's more relevant today than ever before.
Palm Harbor, FL
I was at the apartment of the Gomez twins (although it looked just like Corey's house) and was talking with Lisa about something, (probably Adam Lambert) and after that when she got up to go somewhere Gina came and sat next to me and we begun discussing how good Where The Wild Thing Are was going to be. Some of their friends showed up and for some reason a giant Nerf fight broke out. I was getting more ammo in the pantry (?) and then when I came out of the pantry I decided to re-enact the famous "I am as mad as hell" speech from Network.
This was probably due to the fact that I was mad as hell. I didn't get an interview with Blizzard. If you haven't seen this film or this scene, please watch the scene HERE. It's more relevant today than ever before.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Getting Things Rolling
It all started when I discovered lucid dreaming. Its the phenomenon where you are still asleep yet you are aware that you are dreaming. It's a delicate balance of the states of consciousness and the waves going through your dreams. In this unique state you can control what goes on in your dreams. Very much like Neo in the Matrix there rules you can break and those you can bend. Many people have had an experience like this at some point but to have it on a common occurrence you need to practice. One exercise to aid in your journey is keeping a dream journal. So I did. This was back in high school and I started remembering my drams more often and in higher detail. Besides raising my attention span and other benefits from this exercise it led to a lot of insight and hilarity. Some of these dreams were so off the wall and bizarre they just had to be shared. I got out of the habit over time and that's a shame because I believe some great stories have been lost somewhere in that gap. During my trip in Maryland last week I didn't get as much sleep as usual and when you are sleep deprived it often leads to more vivid dreams and when you wake up if you go over it in your head as soon as you wake you will usually retain a lot of detail. The last 3 nights have been vivid and hilarious. This led to my idea to create this blog where I will share the bizarre stuff I see at night. Unfortunately I do not remember too much because I came up with the idea after that vivid dream so this story will be short but I promise greater things in the future (along with some of the greatest ones from high school). I will mark the lucid dreams for those of you who are curious. I will also explain any outside influences that may have impacted what happens in the dream.
Night of October 12th 2009
Germantown, Maryland
I was in a street looking for something. I don't remember what but it was important. As I ran down the street I ran into my friend Zac. I asked him to join me in my search. He said he couldn't because he was with this group. As he said that a group of doctors in lilac robes marched by as if they were in a parade. Among them was Dr. Chase from House. Zac said they were close to a medical breakthrough and was busy. So I ran down the next street where I ran into Ryan Reynolds. He said he would help me and then proceeded to take of his shirt. To prevent this dream from getting really homoerotic I promptly woke up.
I want to look like him, not sleep with him.
Night of October 14th 2009
Palm Harbor, Florida
(Minor temporary lucidity)
I was at a Taco Bell with my friends Shauna and Zac and some other people. Zac attempted to make a "Seymour Butts" joke which I immediately countered with a better one and criticized his delivery. I then tried to explain how to better deliver such jokes. This is ridiculous as he is naturally the better comedian and "Seymour Butts" jokes are not funny. We then somehow got onto the subject of Pixar and I began to praise the new trailer for Toy Story 3. This is significant as I had watched that trailer right before I went to sleep. Shauna criticized the upcoming film prompting me to go out my wild speech (lucid moment) on how the film will be a heartbreaking masterpiece.
Night of October 12th 2009
Germantown, Maryland
I was in a street looking for something. I don't remember what but it was important. As I ran down the street I ran into my friend Zac. I asked him to join me in my search. He said he couldn't because he was with this group. As he said that a group of doctors in lilac robes marched by as if they were in a parade. Among them was Dr. Chase from House. Zac said they were close to a medical breakthrough and was busy. So I ran down the next street where I ran into Ryan Reynolds. He said he would help me and then proceeded to take of his shirt. To prevent this dream from getting really homoerotic I promptly woke up.
Night of October 14th 2009
Palm Harbor, Florida
(Minor temporary lucidity)
I was at a Taco Bell with my friends Shauna and Zac and some other people. Zac attempted to make a "Seymour Butts" joke which I immediately countered with a better one and criticized his delivery. I then tried to explain how to better deliver such jokes. This is ridiculous as he is naturally the better comedian and "Seymour Butts" jokes are not funny. We then somehow got onto the subject of Pixar and I began to praise the new trailer for Toy Story 3. This is significant as I had watched that trailer right before I went to sleep. Shauna criticized the upcoming film prompting me to go out my wild speech (lucid moment) on how the film will be a heartbreaking masterpiece.
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